Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Journal Artists

Two more journal artists to look at this week. Look at both artists then write a response (minimum 1 paragraph) comparing and contrasting the two artists. You may use specific pages from each artists or speak about their work as a whole.

Please talk about the similiarities and differences you see. Remember to discuss the Elements of Art: line, shape, color, value, and texture and where they're used. Also think about the design principle called Emphasis. How does each artist create a center of interest (Shout) or emphasis?

This assignment is due Friday, March 5th.

Tracy Moore (not Teesha Moore from last time!)

Karen Michel


  1. Please talk about the similiarities and differences you see. Remember to discuss the Elements of Art: line, shape, color, value, and texture and where they're used. Also think about the design principle called Emphasis. How does each artist create a center of interest (Shout) or emphasis?

    The two artists, Tracy Moore and Karen Michael have similarities and differences. Some similarities include how they both are very creative and unique. Both of their artworks are very random and you can tell they put a lot of thought into each individual piece. Unlike Karen's artwork, Tracy has a main focal point in each picture which is noticed right away and takes up most of the picture's space. Karen's work is more focused on many different things, not all abstractly bunched together like Karens. Their styles are a little different where Karen's art looks like it was done with watercolors, added with a few cut out pictures and Tracy's art is more sketched with a few hidden pictures. Both artists use a lot of color to create a more dramatic effect on the paper. Each painting is unique in its texture and color. Both Karen and Tracy use the design principle, emphasis, which is clearly noticed. Tracy's pictures have emphasis usually on a face, acting as the focal point, with creative textures mixed into the face including words, pictures, designs, symbols, and shaded areas. Karen on the other hand uses emphasis on a softer focal point which blends into the background, instead of popping against it like Tracy's did.
    Savannah Steele

  2. I think Tracy Moore tends to fill the negative space effectively with lyrics, making the page seem to burst with action, with the main theme dominating the page, and with each little corner filled with words. Karen Michel's backgrounds are more colorful, focusing on the lighter and vibrant colors. Tracy tends to use the contrasting colors, black and white more often and has lots of abstract human beings, rather than animals.

    -Gina M.

  3. Tracy Moore and Karen Mitchell display styles of art that are alike and different in several ways. Both believe in the use of filling negative space, for there is no blankness in the pieces they create. Words surround their photos to give them certain meaning, and both artists use almost all the space provided on the paper. They engulf any open space with a new color, border, accenting design, or lettering. These techniques tend to create a unifying element within the artwork, allowing the eye to be attracted to the focal point, or the “emphasis”, which usually includes a creative photograph or large design. Some of their pieces mimic our journals we are creating in class, for they are free-spirited and open to creativity and enjoyable for the eye to see. The artists use many different resources, such as colored pencil, paint, marker, colored papers, etc. They may also use outside elements such as buttons, felt, stitching, and other materials to bring their works to life.
    Despite the similar styles of both artists, there is a discrepancy in the works of Moore and Mitchell. Moore displays more of a subtle color pallet, and it is rare to find vibrant shades when viewing her collection. Moore also includes more writing than Mitchell, and therefore tends to fill up more space, making Mitchell’s work seem emptier. In addition, it appears when viewing entire selections,Mitchell makes use of nature and animals when emphasizing a subject. Tracy's style is different in that she includes more human-like figures as her main subjects. I enjoy Mitchell’s work more than Tracy Moore’s due to the use of colors. However, I believe both artists do a supreme job when creating. I greatly enjoy studying their pieces, trying to look for the meaning or key aspect in each, finding something new in every selection.
    -Hannah Carlino

  4. When i look at karen Michel's and Tracy Moore's art work i seem to like Tracy Moore's better because the whispering words in the background really pop out at me. There two very different kind of artist's, because when i look at both of there amazing art work in Tracy's you can see the whole sheet is very detailed and there's a lot of little things in the background popping out at you. When you look at Karen Michel's work you can see really artistic drawings but she has one big amazing drawing she doesn't have as good of details in the background and thats what really draws me into Tracy's work.

    By Dylan Molloy

  5. When comparing the two artists Tracy Moore and Karen Mitchel, there are very distinct differences in their styles of art. Tracy Moore's style has a dark outlook upon it, but in a way it tells a story. Every picture tells a unique tale about what is going on in her life at the moment. The negative space is filled with words, lyrics and poems. Her overall journal doesn't have very much color but focuses more on the scale of blacks and whites. On the other hand, Karen Michels journal is full of vibrant color, although sometimes not telling a story, her journal is very consistant with the types of things she likes to draw; while Tracy's journal has more of a wide range of topics. ~Paige Doran

  6. Both artists are unique and have their own style. Looking through Tracy Moore's journal i noticed that there were many pieces that had abstract faces and that used color more as her whisper element.On the contrary, Karen Michel used much more color and bright patterns through her journal. What i also noticed about the two artists was that they both used words or lettering in many of their entries. I think that doing this both artists add more detail and use up most of that unwanted negative space. Though they used similar techniques in their artwork these two artist are very different when it comes to their shot aspects. Tracy uses size to exaggerate her shout and Karen uses neon colors and designs to create her shout. Both artist are extremely talented and have beautiful journals. In my opinion I think that Karen used more of a verity of techniques and I enjoyed her journal much more than Tracy's.

  7. Tracey more has very different and unique art work. The cover of the book shows his interests and style. The cover has many different but great textures. In the piece of artwork it also has leather, and a knob of some sort. He does a great job showing things that catch your eye and draw your attention. The back of the cover is similar to the front still carrying out very unique textures and looks that catch your eye. The inside of the book contains very skillful pencil drawings with a bit of a sketchy type of style. On the front and back covers he seems to portray rounded shapes and swirls. He uses colors like brown black and silver, which are a different style of colors. Karen Michael’s designs are very different then Tracey’s they are more crafty, bright and cheery. I like Karen Michaels design more then Tracey’s because I like bright colors and we seem to have a similar style and choices while making journals. He also likes to use birds in his photos and other crafty designs. The textures of his projects are smooth, nothing popping of the page with many different textures. Overall they are both very different artists with a very unique style.
    ~Colleen Lampe

  8. Both of these artists use great textures on their journal, paritcularly for their covers. Tracy Moore's covers are wonderful. She added some kind of leather using stitching, and metal to create an amazing cover with dramatic textures, curved lines and dots. Karen Micheal also uses textures on her covers, but they seem more "arts-and-craftsty" in the way she uses ribbons and rinestones and random media (like felts). Furthermore, Micheal uses circles and symetry in her work.
    Tracy Moore has an extremely specific style. The parts of her works that have color really stand out, because the majority of her journals are just black and white. They all have a large amount of writing on them, and normally a [very stylized] person, which is generally where Moore places the emphasis in the journal (using color or size). Photos occasionally are used in her journals. I really like that one of her journals has a moving part to it.
    Micheal uses much, much more color, and hardly anything is black and white. They shows more variation and there are more forms of media in her work, too. Her journals place a stronger emphasis on the actual meaning she's trying to convey in every piece.

    Lauren Capelluto

  9. Both the artists Tracey Moore and Karen Michel have interesting art pieces that catch my eye. They both seem to have put alot of effort into their work and both artists rarely leaves a blank spot. In Tracey Moore's artwork, there is usually a focal point which catches your eye before the elements in the background. Karen Michel doesn't necessarily have a focal point but her work is still very interesting and creative. Karen Michel also uses more vibrant colors than Tracey, who uses dull colors but still makes her artwork interesting.
    -Riley Smith

  10. Both Tracey Moore and Karen Michel have very interesting pieces. In tracey Moore's work, there is normally a shout. Karel Michels artwork is more abstract and unique. Both of these artists put writing or lyrics in a lot of there artwork. Both of these artists work is creative and interesting.

    -Naomi Franko

  11. Both Tracy and Karen have their own unique style of art, although i seem to be more drawn into Tracy's artistic ability. Tracy does an amazing job with completely filling the negative space completely and has a clearly defined center of interest in every entry of hers. Karen on the other hand has a wide variety of drawings but didnt have a strong focal point in every entry. Michel's journal has more color which pops out at you while Moore's journal can almost be read like a book. Both of these artists put alot of time, effort, and thought into each entry in their journal.

    -Alex Lyon

  12. There are many similarities and differences displayed in Karen Michel and Tracey Moore's journals. I think that both of the covers of each journal shows a lot of texture to it, using different mediums and elements like leather and a knob of some sort. Although both artists have unique focal points, i think that Karen Michel's shout more to me. I think this is becuase of her use of very distinct and vibrant colors in her journals. I think that Tracey Moore uses a lot of writing in her backgrounds of her journals fill more negative space than Karen Michel's. Also, Tracey's work is more sketched with a lot of hidden pictures. Overall, I think that I like Tracey Moore's work better becuase of her ability to make the page look more full with the use of her writings.
    -Kellie Rizzo

  13. Both the artists, Tracy Moore and Karen Michel have similarities and differences when it comes to their work. Both seem to use words as either their focal point, or "shout", or just to fill up space as whisper elements. Both artists' work seems to be almost as if a child had completed some of the entries, with bright colors and random elements to each piece. Each entry is clearly thought out and has some meaning to the artist or to the viewer. Tracy seems to use photos and snapshots as her focal point, and you can always tell right away what it is- different from Karen's work, where sometimes the center of interest is obscured or hard to discern from the rest of the entry. Tracy seems to use words much more often then Karen does, making her journal seem almost like real journal- documenting her thoughts and feelings. Whereas Karen, if words are used at all, makes words the focal point and the first thing you look at in the entry, instead of mixing the words together with other thoughts and scrawling them down the page like Tracy. Karen's art seems more paint and solid-color-background based, while Tracy seems to doodle and fill up the page with sketch-y drawings. Tracy likes to use sharp and bold lines that sprawl up the page to create a cool design effect, while Karen seems to prefer to use soft round shapes and circle-ish patterns to make a feeling of unity throughout her entries. Bright colors are used by both artists, to really emphasize their focal point or just entry in general. Although bright colors are used in work of Tracy Moore, they seem to be less used than in Karen's work, and only used when to really emphasize a key point or aspect. Tracy's work seems more random as to what she likes to create, while Karen seems to stick to certain things to draw/paint- faces, figures, etc.

    Emma Barnitt

  14. I like Karen and Tracy's art pieces a lot. I enjoy looking at Karen's art pieces more than Tracy's because I like how Karen put her shout/picture in the middle of the page and then had lyrics or writing surrounding the focal point. I think Tracy used a lot of bright colors and designs that pop out at you. Tracy is more focused on her focal point and Karen is more focused on having a whisper and a focal point.

    -Heather Cleary

  15. Both artist's journals are extremely interesting. I notice though, that both have very different styles while still maintaining similar themes. Teesha uses alot of metalllic textures, and utilizes alot of black and white, while Karen has a very bright palette, with some floral ideas. Teesha's drawings had a very strong focal point while still drawing the eye to the message in the background. Karen, however has a softer background but still makes it pop with vibrant colors. They both use some of the same stylized images of people. very straight noses and frowning mouths. The two give off the same message invery different lights.

    -Kit Reynolds

  16. Both artists, Karen Michel and Tracy Moore have interesting and very creative journal entries. I feel as though Tracy Moore gives a bit more emphasis on her shout and really makes it stand out. She gives the special details as the “whisper” and that’s what really makes the entry interesting. Karen Michel has a lot of shout things to look at, there’s not really one main focal point. Karen Michel tends to use more warm colors than cold. While Tracy Moore uses no color, just black and white. Tracy Moore mostly draws everything herself while Karen Michel uses objects to make things pop. Overall, both artists give interesting journals to look at.
    -Tricia Dunham

  17. Tracey Moore and Karen Michel are both creative and diverse artists. Their art shares similarities as well as differences. Tracey Moore’s work is built upon words, meaning that Moore uses words as a whisper element and layers a “shout” element over them. She also uses words to fill the negative space in some of her pieces. Tracey Moore’s work is usually black and white, enabling her to use shading techniques. Unlike Moore, Karen Michel’s work is full of color. Her “shout” is usually a different color than the background, creating a pop effect. She sometimes uses paint as a whisper element as opposed to Moore who uses words to fill the negative space. It seems as though Michel uses many different types of media, while Moore only uses a few. Both artists occasionally use photographs in their work. Moore and Michel also pay attention to details especially when they design faces.
    -Jillian Coghill

  18. Both Tracy Moore and Karen Michel exemplify their artistic ability as they express themselves through their journal work. While they prove to have two very different styles, they both utilize many of the important artistic elements in their work. For one thing, both artists incorporate words as part of each entry. Another aspect that makes their journals visually pleasing is the wow factor on each page. However, this technique is approached in different ways. Moore seems to pop her focal point with color against black and white, or by making the subject quite large on the page. On the other hand, Michel usually uses brighter colors to distinguish her center of interest. Furthermore, the mood of their work is obviously different. Michel tends to have more of an uplifting effect in her art, as it is very colorful and has subject matter such as birds and hearts. Lastly, Moore tends to fill up the empty space with many more words, while Michel might leave the negative space untouched. Although they use similar techniques, Moore and Michel establish distinct qualities that make their journals unique. Their work is truly inspiring.
    -Samantha Cassidy

  19. There are many differences and similarities between both artists, Tracy Moore and Karen Michel. Moore's artwork is combined with long passages of words, making it out to be a journal entry with illustrations. The words surround a focal point. These focal points are usually distorted portraits that are creepy looking, and the writing kind of forms around it filling up all the free space, so that the whole page is covered. Michel's artwork is more like creative, arts and crafts. It is happier looking. Much of her work, is of more lively looking things like, birds, feathers, hearts, and so on. Both artists have very abstract work. Both incorporate color with their work, but Michel uses more than Moore. Michel's work is all in color and the colors a very bright, theres a lot of pinks in her work. Moore, uses darker colors, or none. It looks like Michel uses a bunch of materials and puts them together to form some piece of art, where Moore draws most of his work. Both artists are unique, surprising, and thoughtful in their work. Both are very emotional in their work, and meaningful. Tracy's pictures have emphasis on a figures face. Texture's that Moore uses are enhanced through colors and shading. He uses many designs and symbols. Michel emphasis's on the background of her work. Michel's work is more vibrant in texture, with its colorings. Michel expands her drawing topics, for scenery and objects, but Moore is confined to drawing only people. Michel seems more optimistic, and Moore seems more dreary. Both artists use all their work space. Both artists seem to draw with a lot of circular patterns. Both uses many shapes, lines, curves, in their work. Moore seems serious, where Michel seems kid like. Moore is bolder, and Michel is softer. I like both artist's work in different ways.
    - Brandon Perrone

  20. Both Karen Michael and Tracy Moore have similarities and differences in their journals. While Tracy tended to use more black and white, Karen's journals were popping with color (usually in the background.) Tracy's backgrounds were filled with words, giving it a busier appearance. Tracy also tended to make her "shout" elements stick out by shading them differently, coloring them, or making them larger in proportion to the rest of the elements on the page. Karen's "shout" elements stood out because the were often framed.

    They also have quite a few similarities. Both Karen and Tracy have very abstract human figures in their journals. Neither of them leave any empty space in their journals, they fill the page with either words(Tracy) or color (Karen). While both were very interesting, I enjoyed looking at Karen's more. The vibrant colors really caught my eye.

    Kiley Boland

  21. Karen Michel and Tracy Moore both have different, distinctive styles. Karen Michel has many bright colors and also often has a focal point that is not immediately obvious. Both artists have surreal imagery, but Tracy Moore's journal is darker, and more varied. Also, more of her journal entries have small words in the background, while in Michel's journal, most entries only have a small amount of writing.
    ~Dusa Heller

  22. I enjoyed seeing both Karen Michel and Tracy Moore's art, but my favorite was Karen Michel's. Her artwork had so much color and vibrance that was lacking in Tracy's. I also loved her mixture of textures, especially the sequins! They added so much life to the artwork. The thing I really liked about Tracy's though was the use of whisper elements. All of the words and designs really added interest. One of Karen's best features was her use of value. They were both similar in that they had a shout, something that drew your eye. The emphasis was created by a difference in color, vibrance or texture.

    Phoebe McAuliffe

  23. Karen Michael and Tracy Moore are both very interesting and unique artists. Karen uses more on the element of color, Trisha used more black and white and vtilized value. They both utilized the element of space in their journals to emphasize a certain element. Some things are bigger than the rest of the objects and elements, creating a shout and focal point. Tracy Moore also used one color against the black and whites to do the same. Karen Michael used more of the contrast against warm and cool colors. Both artists used varied techniques and accomplished an emphasis sucessfully and throughout all of their journals and works.

    Bridget Bassi

  24. Both Karen Michel's and Tracy Moore's artwork is creative. Tracy Moore puts more into her art and fills up the page more. Tracy Moore's artwork contains words in the background which are whisper elements. Karen Michel's artwork is simpler, and focuses on one thing. Karen Michel's artwork contains more color, while Tracy Moore's artwork is darker and not all of her pieces have color.

    -Kristen Caulfield

  25. Looking through both of these artists journals, they are both very different. I like the varieties found in Karen Michel's journal; she uses a variety of colors and prints in her work whereas Tracy Moore uses more text. I like both of them very much, but I do prefer Tracy Moore's work slightly just because it's a style that I like.
    -Kayla Miller

  26. Tracy Moore and Karen Michel can have very different style journal entries. Tracy uses words as her whisper elements and to fill negative spacer a lot more often than Karen does. Karen often uses colorful and textured backgrounds as well as patterns and designs that are mostly geometric. Karen also pastes things into her journal, but unlike Tracy does not always make them her shout. In fact she usually blends them into her background. When she does use words they are usually larger and sparser than those of Tracy because she makes them stand out more. Tracy establishes her shout with contrast between color and black and white of picture and text. Karen usually has a larger object that stands out in her journals. I especially like how it seems that Tracy has a lot of influence from her life that she uses in her artwork. Two things she uses were pictures of her dog and a road sign she admired. I could also see the abstract faces she creates being based on people she knows or simply saw at some point in the day.
    ~Silvia Cohn~
