Sunday, March 4, 2012

More Journal Artists

Two more journal artists to look at this week. Look at both artists then write a response (minimum 1 paragraph) comparing and contrasting the two artists. You may use specific pages from each artists or speak about their work as a whole.

Please talk about the similiarities and differences you see. Remember to discuss the Elements of Art: line, shape, color, value, and texture and where they're used. Also think about the design principle called Emphasis. How does each artist create a center of interest (Shout) or emphasis?

This assignment is due Friday, March 9th.

Tracy Moore (not Teesha Moore from last time!)

Karen Michel


  1. Tracy Moore is definitely more in touch with her creepy side than Karen Michael is. Tracy's drawings are almost never in color, and that's really what makes a single colorful detail pop in her drawings. Karen mostly uses recycled things, fabrics, and is more crafty with her journal. Karen likes to use colors or shapes to guide the onlooker's eyes around while Tracy uses her words to guide them. Karen is definitely more into textured art, but doesn't really focus on drawing as much as Tracy does. Karen's drawings are also more of a Picasso impressionist, while Tracy has her own crazy style. Karen also does the cool on warm colors thing, or vice versa, to make her center of interest pop and create an emphasis. Tracy doesn't really have a center of interest on a couple of her pages, but when she does do that it's just a bunch of colors on a black and white background, making an interesting effect. Both artists use a lot of pictures in their journals, usually as a replacement for an actual drawing. Though again, Tracy's are usually more creepy than Karen's.
    -Julia Capuano

  2. Both of these artists include images of people on almost every page. The difference is that Tray's people are usually a lot more abstact and have less color that Karen's. Also Karen likes to add a 3D affect to her entries by pasting on things like gems and pieces of cloth. This adds both texture and emphasis to her focal points. Tracy on the other hand likes to use text in the background of many of her entries. As a result when she draws her focal point on top it still stands out even if there is not a lot of color on the page. Both of these artists have an interesting way of combining media to create an interesting pages.
    -Sabrina Cohn

  3. The first difference I noticed between the two journal artists’ styles is the consistent dark, predominately black and white theme to Moore’s work contrasting with Michel’s incorporation of color into her designs. Moore seems to emphasize dark,inked, figures as her focal points, or “shout” elements, with writing in almost every entry. This writing is never very neat or repetitive with a pattern to it but more sloppy and scattered with an uneven distribution to add background elements and draw the eye across the page. I like the effect her words have on the entries and it’s always interesting to read words because you get a direct look into what the artist is thinking instead of interpreting it through their work (which is great at sometimes but it’s nice to have both). Also, when she does introduce color, it is refreshing being as you don’t see it that often. Karen Michel’s work has a much more lighthearted mood presented to the reader with much more color and more lively displays. She puts emphasis into her whole page and may not have as definite of a single “shout” element but instead several “shouting” elements. She uses many different medium creating greater textures than in Moore’s journals which have a common reliance on black ink with the occasional incorporate of photos and a fiercely limited color palette. Her lines are not as boldly defined as in Moore’s work, but that is simply a style choice. Both artists play with value although I feel there is less “value variety” in Moore’s work. I particularly like Karen Michel’s work more because the bright and happy colors which are welcoming to any viewer.
    kyra durko

  4. The main difference between the two artist’s journals is the vibrant pages of Karen Michel’s journal and the lack of color in Tracy Moore’s journal. I think Karen’s was much more interesting to look at with all of the different textures, colors, and materials that were involved. Tracy’s pages all looked very similar and were all just white with black ink. Hers had a very dark feel about it, with her drawings of creepy creatures and photographs. Karen’s looked very crafty and felt more whimsical. I especially liked her pages that including 3D objects on the page, such as the ones with birds on them.
    -Melissa Blicksilver

  5. Tracy Moore has a much more dark kind of artistic style than Karen michel does. As Tracy will work with ink and the use of black throughout her art, Karen will use a more free-spirited and colorful approach on her work. karen also likes to use a "pop" kind of effect on what she does, such as 3-D things like felt and anything that will reflect sunlight. overall, both of the artists have unique styles and have created pieces that are very interesting to look at.

  6. Tracy Moore and Karen Michel have different views when making art, but they are similar in some ways. They are similar in that they both use words in their art. Karen Michel uses only a few words in her work, whereas Tracy Moore uses more words in her work. However, this shared characteristic makes them similar in a way. Some works of Karen Michel are a bit creepy, which is similar with Tracy Moore because most of her work is very dark and creepy. Some ways that they are different is that Karen Michel texture is with sewed patterns in her work and plastic jewels, she seems more crafty then Tracy Moore. Also, Karen Michel’s work is mostly warm colors mixed in with cold colors. Compared to Tracy Moore where she has almost always some sort of writing in the background and a face or animal as the emphasis in her work, which is sometimes the same color, or is a variety of warm colors. Another way that they are different is that Karen Michel’s majority of her work seems a bit happier, and it makes the viewer closer to nature with the use of birds and flowers. Also Karen Michel’s emphasis in her work is not always the same, it varies.
    -Fotis Christoforou

  7. Karen Michel and Tracy Moore both have destinctivly different art in their journals, yet splashes of the other can be caught throughout the art. Moore clearly takes advantave of darker colors, and uses the contrast of white on black to make an impact. Michel on the other hand uses alot of bright colors, and contrasts are made by cool versus warm colors. Therefore, the overall mood impressed upon the viewer is drastically different between the two, whith Moore's work being darker than the lighthearted art of Michel. Both use words to make thier work interesting, but Moore uses smaller and pattern-like words in her's, while Michel uses large words. Michel's words tend to be, when included, a 'shout' or 'middle ground' element, while almost always Moore's are 'whisper' elements. Moore uses large, isolated pictures, or big drawings as her shout elements. Michel also does this,but in a more flowy way. Michel intergrates alot of texture into her journal, while Moore really doesn't.
    -Rachel Martin

  8. Overall Tracy Moore had a darker style to her art, while Karen's had a more dream-like quality to it. I noticed that Karen usee a lot of pinks and oranges in her work and Tracydid a lot of her pages in black ink. I liked how Tracy Moore often used text as a backround. She also had distorted faces as the emphasis in many of her pieces. Another common thing in Tracy's journal was photos put in as shouts. I thought that it was interesting that because of the lack of color in this journal, the preence of it really caught your eye. Karen Michel's journal had a more sweet overall mood to it, but you can tell when she was feeling more disturbed, because her work definitely reflects it. Karen often glues in materials to make a truly interesting page, whether as a collage, or to add texture. These pages had some repeating forums used, including skulls, hearts, and birds; which tended to be used for an emphasis. I did notice that there was often a sort of "theme" carried out through four or so entries. I enjoyed Karen Michels's journal more than I did Tracy's because it had a more light-hearted, visually pleasing feel to it.

  9. there are many diffrent things that a diffrent between these two artists. For example in tracy moores work she uses words in the backround instead of more pictures, she also uses alot of black and white in substitution of colors. karen michel uses alot of color in her work and i noticed she liked to make things in 3-D. karen also seemed to use alot of felt in her work. moores work seems creepier than karens also.
    -Phil Rizzuto

  10. Tracy Moore and Karen Michel are very different when it comes to the type of mood their artwork shouts out. They both though use an amazing way of using materials that are raised from the pages and covers. They also use many different fonts and letter sizes to make the pages middle ground more interesting and unique. I like how they both add media to use as strong "in your face" focal points. Even though they both are awesome in similar ways they have their differences!!!! Michel is more soft looking colors and brighter ones that don't make you afraid to look closely. Then Moore uses very dark colors, mixed with images that are a little disturbing. Michel on the other hand does throw in some creepy, disturbing dark images that are toned down with a bright color as the background such as purple. Both artists have some tribal/indian designs and techniques when drawing people. Michel is weaker when it comes to focal points. They both are very strong at them, but Moore is just a bit better at it.

  11. The first thing I noticed when I looked at Tracy’s journal was the “whisper” elements consisting of intricate designs or words. I also noticed the blending of colors in the focal point and in the background but the contrast of colors between the two. She had a strange tribal theme throughout her pages and each represented the emotion of the page. As I flipped through farther, I saw an almost futuristic theme with robots and imaginative aliens. Every entry had a running theme with similar drawings or pictures but also a unique message. In contrast to Tracy’s entries, Karen’s were colorful and each had completely unique themes with little similarities aside from the use of certain patterns and colors. She also went beyond the page and continued the entry on both the entire page, back and front, but also, in some cases, on the cover. There is more that catches the eye with seemingly random colors that also work together.
    -Elisabeth Mulford

  12. I believe Tracy Moore is more in touch with her dark side portraying many shocking interpretations of human appearance and color. She mostly uses cool colors and occassionally warm. Karen Michels also has some darker entries but mostly portrays softer ideas and calmer situation. I noticed both artist favor a type of animal, Tracy featuring many images of her dog Sophie and Karen with a bird reoccuring throughout a few of her entries. Both artists feature the use of words in almost every entry. Tracy does feature more writing with phrases and passages in contrast to Karen who featured single words.

  13. Both Tracy Moore and Karen Michel created intricate journal entries. Both artists used a wide variety of colors, yet they were used so diversely. Moore worked with more muted color tones at times and many of her entries are mainly black and white. She incorporates different faces in many of her entries as well. Many of the people and faces she draws are seemingly “different” than an average human, as she adds different quirks and morphs them into a new being. Her shading, especially on the faces, seems to be a crosshatching technique and adds more contrast, especially to the facial features. Her entries are mostly black and white, but there are certain works that incorporate more color. These bursts of color add spontaneity and create a main focal point in the piece. Tracy Moore also uses many words in her art as well, which adds significant meaning to her work. On the other hand, Karen Michel’s work displays more vibrant color schemes and warm colorings. She also uses more materials, such as fabric and sequins, to make certain parts of an entry stand out. She uses many aspects of nature as her focal points, such as birds. In a few entries, she sewed felt birds into pages of an entry. This provides an obvious focal point in the piece.
    -Emily Haliotis

  14. Tracy Moore and Karen Michel both take very different approaches on their journals. Tracy’s journal has a very creepy dark feel as Karen’s journal has a brighter colorful feel. Tracy incorporates pictures into her journal and draws a lot of strange heads and figures. Karen’s journal includes texture using 3D elements such as beads and felt. Both Tracy and Karen’s journals have creepy pictures drawn into them. The colors Tracy uses in her journal are dark greens, blacks and white. I noticed in Tracy’s journal she writes a lot of black words on the top of white paper. This really makes the words pop out and become a good background element to the page. Tracy uses a lot of words to create emphasis in her journal and almost every page is filled with them. Karen uses a lot of different birds, hands and hearts drawn onto her pages. She mixes warm and cool colors to create her center of interest. Both journals include many fictional drawing that give them that creeper feel.
    Amanda Perelli

  15. Tracy Moore has a much darker, some what creepier artistic view on things when making her journal art while Karen Michel's is more whimsical and free-spirited. Karen uses more colors, textures as well as 3D-like images and puts full emphasis on her entire journal page instead of having a single "shout" element. Tracy Moore has a reocurring theme of black and white, often using of words and photography, with the ocasional, refreshing pop of color seen in the black and white entries. Although both journal artists have incredibly diverse artistic views they both have unique takes on art. My reaction for both of these artists' works is always the same, "woaw, just woaw!".
    -Brooke Benoff

  16. For the most part, everybody looks at art differently and everybody forms art differently. This concept does not disappoint when it comes to the work of Karen Michael and Tracy Moore. When I look at Karen's journal, I see either an animal (she likes to use birds) or a person on almost every page. To me, this symbolizes life. Although there are some skeletons, I don't get a dark vibe from Karen at all. In fact, I couldn't detect too much anger in her art. As for technique, she uses bright colors to draw you in, curved and curly lines; not always straight, and many different textures to keep her journal dynamic. The way she creates emphasis is by creating, and strategically placing, a strong focal point on each page. Although most of her work is drawn, she does have some photographs. On the other hand, I can spot a photograph on almost every page of Tracy Moore's journal. I definitely get that darker vibe from Tracy's journal. She has a person, sometimes distorted, on pretty much every page of her journal. Tracy's techniques greatly differ from those of Karen. With Tracy, the predominant color on every page is, for the most part, black. She uses both curved and straight lines, and she doesn't have such a big variety of texture, although the last page does have a moving head, to switch things up a bit. The way she creates emphasis is by using strong middle-ground elements of words or faces (mostly words). Overall, these 2 artists are almost polar opposites, but they still manage to achieve brilliance, in their own respects.
    - Izzy Bouklas

  17. Tracy Moore and Karen Michel both have different artwork. They are similar in ways and they are different in ways. One way that they are different is that Tracy Moore draws pictures that have faces in them. Karen Michel likes to draw pictures of what looks like books or artwork for covers of books. One way that they are similar is that both artists put words into their artwork. Tracy Moore uses more words in her art but they still both use it. Tracy Moore uses a lot of black and white and Karen Michel uses a lot of bright colors. Karen Michels contrasts colors very well.
    -Noah Campanella

  18. Tracy Moore's and Karen Michel's journals are both very interesting and unique in their own ways. Tracy Moors's journals were a bit more creepy and dark than Karen's. Tracy's used words to fill the backround in many of his entries which added good effect to the intensity of his drawings or pictures. One thing I diskliked about his journals are that the pages are mostly black and white. Another thing I noticed was that most of his people he drew were out of perportion. Karen's journal is very vibrant and bright. She used many different techniques in each entry which made it very plesant. Most of her pages look fairly sloppy but it is like this purposly. Overall both of these journals are very interesting.
    Andrew Micklos

  19. While i was looking at Tracy Moore's art, I noticed a pattern. Much of her work was very dark and contained a lot of dark writing. Also, much of the drawing seemed religous to me, almost as if she was trying to draw the devil. Things I liked about her drawings was that she used the words inside the drawings, and some of the sentences made me think. One sentence that caught me eye was "outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is to dark to read." Both artists were slightly scary, but Karen didn't use as many words that Tracy did. While Tracy added pictures to her work, Karen added beads and sewed into her work creating more texture.
    -Michael Antipas

  20. One major difference between the works of Tracy Moore and Karen Michel is that Karen uses a variety of color in most of her pages while Tracy often uses only black and white. Despite Tracy’s lack of color in many of her entries, she often uses vibrant colors in contrast with the black and white background in order to create a strong focal point. One thing that I noticed about Karen Michel’s work is that her focal point is often located in the center of the page and often vivid colors are used to emphasis this element. A similarity between these two artists is that they both used text, although it was used much more heavily in the work of Tracy Moore. Tracy Moore’s work also contained many sketches done with ink and she used photographs as focal points often as well. Karen Michel’s work contained many unique mediums including fabrics, threads, maps, newspaper, etc. These various materials created a very interesting page just as Tracy Moore was able to do with her ink sketches, photographs,and text.
    -Hailey Connolly

  21. The similarities between Karen Michel and Tracy Moore are somewhat limited and are not easily seen if one were to take a glance. For instance, most of Karen Michel’s art is of a large focal point (usually centered directly in the middle of the page) and consists of either a animal (birds such as owls seem to be her favorite), a circle with some intricate patterns surrounding the outlines, and on occasion a skull or human face. While with Tracy Moore she will work with abstract human faces or living being (shark, dog, etc.) and uses backgrounds which have many different words in outlandish fonts. However, the similarities are there. Both artists do use text to express what they are trying to show. Then, both have a piece of art that corresponds with said text.

    As for the differences, there seems to be a bounty of them. Tracy Moore, as shown by her journals, does not like to use that many colors when either drawing her abstract people or her other creations. Moore also likes to take pictures and puts them into the center of her journal, creating a center of interest and a good place to start to finish the rest of the page. The color palette that Moore uses also seems to be limited in a sense that most of her journals consist of a gray scale – and the only times she does use color is done very sparingly and thus captures the onlooker’s attention. Her pictures, however, are mostly in color, and then white text surrounded by a black background usually ensues. The drawings that Moore likes to do also have a very rounded shape to them (organic), and uses the geometric shapes with her pictures. As for Karen Michel, her journals include a number of different colors, and usually the brightest or darkest color given is stamped to the center of the page. This thus creates the center of interest. Text in Michel’s case is used on occasion, but mostly large patterns in an organic shape are what Michel seems to like best. It is also noted that Michel likes to take foreign objects such as fabric, and stitch together her pictures.

    -Natalie Lynde, Period 9

  22. I think that there are more differences between the two artists than there are similarities. For example Tracy Moore definitely has more of a darker side to her journal compared to Karen Michel. Tracy uses certain techniques in her art that make people feel a certain way. Such as her use of very basic neutral colors which can be dark but also creepy. Creepy is something else i thought of when i saw her journals. I believe that the pictures that she drew of the strange figures were not only because of her creativity but I think she created such a powerful focal point because of her lack of bright colors. Karen Michel on the other hand uses softer more delicate colors in her journal. She uses a lot of texture by mixing many mediums such as fabrics. A similarity is see between the two artists is they both have a strong balance in their entries. For example Tracy balances her lyrics or words in her journal with her drawings or photographs. Karen also balances her focal points but with words, colors and designs.
    -Isabella D'Aguanno

  23. Looking at both of the journal artist they both have similarity's and differences. Tracy Moore is more dark,creepy, scary,sorrow,terror in her drawings. She also uses a lot of faces and writings in her drawings. Another hand Karen Michel is more glittery, colorful, texture and craft like drawings too. Both of the artist both have focal points and shout outs in there drawings. Defiantly has creativity in the drawings. - Jessica Cortez Acosta
